Going Silver: All that Glitters is not …

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Twenty-six months, no color: Dec 8, 2015

Going Silver: All that Glitters is not …

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GOLD! Not the way I see it … I’m all about letting that glittery, shimmery Silver Shine! In early December, I went to the salon for a hair cut and as my hairstylist started to blow out my hair, she marveled at the natural silver highlights cascading down the back of my head. Other stylists and customers chimed in. Interestingly, my former colorist remained silent. She’s the one who warned me that sooner or later I’d be back in her chair. Hm?! It’s been 26 months and I haven’t been back for more color torture. I had no idea these silver highlights were hiding underneath my high and low lights! I’m so psyched! I wish others would go natural … we never know what glory might be hiding under all of that dye. Yep, glorious highlights that are “dying” to be seen! 🙂

Twenty-six months, no color: Dec 3, 2015; check out the mix of colors!

Twenty-six months, no color: Dec 3, 2015; check out the mix of colors!

Which leads me to the fear of not coloring. Why are we so afraid to be WHO WE ARE?! Why are we constantly covering up our true essence in order to look like someone else or to hold onto a younger version of ourselves? And really, do people enjoy spending ridiculous amounts of time in an uncomfortable chair making small talk or every few weeks buying a bottle of dye and making a mess in their bathroom? I’d rather spend time doing what I enjoy; like hanging out with people I love and adore or going for a work out … and I get it, not everyone enjoys working out. But, you get my point, right?!

Not long ago, I attended a birthday party and talked to a guest who stated that her colorist charges $400 for each session. Now, that’s a lot of money. She can afford it, but I know others who can’t and still put tons of money into coloring their hair. Just think if you could save that money and go on a fabulous trip to another country and learn about another culture. I’d rather make memories like that instead of cling to some old version of what I used to look like. Life is about moving forward, not hanging on to the past!

So, as we close out 2015 and move forward … join me and your other Silver Sisters as we celebrate who we are in the moment! Check out the photos below and the ones in my Silver Linings Photos. If you are thinking about going silver, please speak up. I’d love to hear from you. And, please sign up for my blog. The more we band together on this, the more we will deconstruct the social norms that going gray or going silver is a bad thing! Let’s celebrate every stage of life for what it is! On that high note, I wish you a Happy New Year … let the celebrations begin! 🙂

About Author

glenda nelson

A dimplomatic (dimples+), happy soul with lots of love for the world community. I live by St. Exupery's words: "...that which is essential is invisible to the eye."

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