Going Silver: Comparison and Encouragement

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Thirty-seven months, no color: Nov 2, 2016

Going Silver: Comparison and Encouragement

It’s been over three years since I started down Silver Linings Pathway. Recently, I compared pictures from November 2013 with those taken in 2016. I’m slightly disappointed that the differences aren’t more stark. Check out the photos below and see for yourself. The golden highlights and brown lowlights are long gone, but there isn’t a huge difference. Guess I need more stress to grow more silver. Haha! Just kidding! I really don’t need more stress!

I’m so glad I’ve taken pictures for the Going Silver blog, because it’s fun to track my journey. As I look back, I’ve thought about the people who have inspired me to stop coloring my hair. In past blog posts, I’ve mentioned my Mom. Another inspiration for me was Katharine Hepburn. I saw someone interview her years ago (can’t find that interview) and was struck by her natural beauty. I remember her walking around her garden with her hair up (like the picture below). She was so confident, calm, and cool. I admired that. And, I love the way she aged gracefully, that really stayed with me. Did you know that her acting career spanned over six decades? I love it! Here are several pictures I found via Google that remind me of that interview:

Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn

And, I love what she said at the beginning of this interview I found on YouTube:


I am so grateful that Katharine Hepburn’s interview and image stuck in my mind as a graceful way to age. It really matters what media messages you take to heart. Equally important are the messages you hear at home from relatives and friends. So, that is why I am speaking out. I hear a lot of women knocking themselves down for looking old and ugly. That makes me sad. Negative thoughts like this are due to a culture that is ageist and ugly towards women and the natural process of aging. And, I’ve had enough of that nonsense. I want to encourage others to love the hair and skin they are in!

Need some more encouragement, check out this “About Style” article that features women who have gone naturally gray. The pictures are awesome and inspiring. Check them out. These women are stunning and so are you. Let’s stand up to social norms and embrace life “as we are”. I have. Will you?

As always, check out my gallery of photos (below), these are the ones from November. As you can see, I am enjoying my life no matter what age or hair color. We are all one breath away from the end of our lives. Let’s just enjoy the time we have. Bring on the silver!!!

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glenda nelson

A dimplomatic (dimples+), happy soul with lots of love for the world community. I live by St. Exupery's words: "...that which is essential is invisible to the eye."

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