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The Stretches That Worked for Me

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Back in 2009, I was having horrible hip and sciatica pain. I went to an orthopedic surgeon, a sports medicine doc who was an athlete himself, I even talked to my endocrinologist about osteoporosis (had a Thyroidectomy back in 2003), and went to an osteopath. Had the osteopath maintained an office in MD, I would have stuck with him, but he was 500 miles away. I was given several diagnoses like bursitis and piriformis syndrome. But, there were no strong solutions. Just take Ibuprofin and rest. Great, so in order not to have pain, I screw up my liver. No thank you.

So, I googled like a mad woman in search of a cure for my aches and pains. During one of those google grabs, I found this simple video by a guy in his hotel room doing an equally simple stretch for Piriformis Syndrome. I tried it, and guess what … INSTANT RELIEF! Woo-hoo!! I no longer felt like I was 45 going on 90. I seriously thought I might be looking into a hip replacement. I felt old and feeble before my time. But, not any more.

Thankfully, I found this video. For a while I did the stretches every day. They really helped me and became part of my routine. Then, once I was over the worst of it, I slacked off. However, now whenever I tighten up after a run or as a result of doing legs at the gym, I do these handy little exercises for immediate relief. A BIG THANKS to the guy who decided to make this video. Because of him and my new love for Vibram FiveFinger shoes, I am back to running again. And, I have NO MORE CHRONIC HIP/SCIATICA PAIN! Life is good.

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