Tag Archives: Facebook

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Ten months, no color - Aug 23, 2014 (My 50th Bday)

Going Silver: Ten Months, No Color

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So, the month of August is all about family celebrations – we have tons of birthdays (including my own). For me, August 2014 was all about finishing grad school, turning 50, and making it to 10 months with no color! And, I did it ALL! As for the no color part – I feel so liberated!! I’m sure the Statue of Liberty would be proud of me. “Enlightening the world” … with my silver! 🙂 Free and brave … yes, liberated is the word of the day! Especially in the going silver context – I hear and see it – A LOT! For me, the word illustrates tackling and overcoming the voices in my head and the negative social norms that permeate our environment on aging and hair color! I love feeling liberated …

And, I’m not alone! I have mentioned before that I find myself seeking out silver-haired people and making positive comments about their hair. At first, it wasn’t an intentional process, it was a curious one. Now, I can’t help myself … I want to know more of the stories behind the silver. Several weeks ago, I met a woman at the grocery store who at the end of her short silver story said, “Going natural is so  liberating”. That really resonated with me and now, due to awareness, I see women using the term online a lot! For example, here are several screenshots from a Facebook thread that a woman posted this week. The picture that went with this post showed a woman with a beautiful head of silver hair:

Screen Shot of Facebook Page

Screen Shot of Facebook Page

Good for this woman!! Now, I’m going to share some of the responses – they are priceless:

Screenshot from Facebook

Screenshot from Facebook

Now, if you liked those comments … you are going to love her final response:

Screenshot from Facebook

Screenshot from Facebook

Need I say more? If you are on the fence about going natural, I encourage you to join us and more specifically, join a support group to boost your confidence along the way. There are several on Facebook. I’m thinking of starting one myself. Life is easier when you have a strong support system. Let’s do this together. Think how nice it would be to post something and get the responses above and the confirmation that you are on the right track. In less than 48 hours, this shining silver star tallied up the following “likes”:

Screenshot from Facebook

Screenshot from Facebook

As always, here are some pictures to chronicle my journey down Silver Linings Pathway! If you are so inspired, I would love to hear your thoughts on going silver in the comments section below. Also, please subscribe to my blog. Let’s do this together!



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Nine months, no color - July 24, 2014

Going Silver: Nine Months, No Color

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I made it … nine months and no color! In these pictures, the shift to silver is starting to show. The pix were cropped ( a lot), so the images are not very clear. But, this is when the doubts started to creep in. Thankfully, I had people like Cindy Joseph to encourage me. Her videos on the Pro-Age Rally and Revolution really helped me. Seeking support is important, I joined a few Facebook pages started by women who chose to go gray. If you are contemplating the natural look … I encourage you to join a support group. It is a great way to see that others have doubts and a place to seek encouragement from those who have gone all the way to gray!

I belong to two Facebook pages on going gray and will share a snippet of what I read this week. I am not going to expose the names of the people because the FB pages are “closed” to the public. One woman said: “Not having to color my hair every 3-4 weeks is almost as good as not having a period anymore! Just sayin’, lol” Love it and the sense of humor! 🙂 Totally agree! Here’s a note from someone in the contemplation stage and the initial response from the FB community:

Screen Shot

FaceBook Screen Shot

Facebook Screen Shot

Facebook Screen Shot

I am grateful for the Facebook platform because it offers a collaborative and supportive environment for those of us on the silver path. Aging is a gift and why our culture treats it like a curse is ridiculous and shameful. It’s time to change and there is a growing number of us who feel that way! Join the Pro-Age Mindset.

If you feel the same, please share your story in the comments below! And, join one of the going gray FB pages! I’m sure you will enjoy the experience.

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